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Setting up a Video Recording Desk
WIth 90% of Americans getting their information from computer devices, video content is more important to your brand than ever before. If you haven’t created video content for your business and want to start, having a well-equipped desk setup is essential for producing high-quality video content. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a simple video recording desk setup that includes a camera, lights, computer, and microphone.
A good quality camera is one of the essential elements of great video content. Yet, you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to get great quality. A sub- $500 camera like the SONY ZV-1F or the Nikon Coolpix B600 will give you great results. Using your cellphone? Today’s cell phones have advanced filming abilities like 4K recording. Stabilizing the camera is vital to a professional look, so you’ll need a miniature tripod to keep everything still.
Lighting plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual quality of your videos. When you’re in the office, you’ll want a light source that will give your face or object favorable light. A ring-light is a circular light with built-in white diffusion to give a smooth light that enhances without harsh shadows. Choose a ring light that has adjustable color temperature – from yellow to white light, and intensity. Using these two features of the ring light will give you the best results for the perfect look. Note the how the light wraps nicely around the plant on the table. This light also includes a bracket to mount your camera at eye-level inside the ring.
Great broadcast sound is just as important as video quality. Investing in a high-quality microphone to record sound directly to your camera is a good choice. A Rode Mini-Shotgun mic can be adapted to both a DSLR camera via a mini plug or add a Thunderbolt or USB adapter to add it to a cellphone. Mounting options include using the hot shoe adapter or clipping it onto a tripod or microphone stand. Either way, you’ll get better sound that you can sweeten in post.
Make sure to use a computer that has the processing power and memory necessary to edit your footage. If purchasing a computer just for editing video, consider the following: if you’re working with Full HD (1920×1080) video, then Intel recommends a CPU with 2.8 GHz to 3.8 GHz clock speeds and 12GB of RAM. 4K video (3840 x 2160) requires a CPU with 4.2GHz or higher of computing power and a minimum of 16GB of RAM. An internet search can provide you with some great options to choose from for video editing.
Putting it all together:
Creating video content is quite a bit less stressful when you have all the pieces together. Once you have these basics set up in an area where you can speak a monologue, demonstrate a skill, open products or conduct an interview with confidence that your video will look and sound great. There are other details like post-production and SEO, but with this set up, you are on your way.
Need Editing Help?
Reserve a Consultation with Video Production Daytona Beach and let us professionally edit your video with graphics, end cards, music. We will upload to YouTube and make sure your SEO is complete.